PI Law Firm Client Comm Application

Below is an edited version of the MVP document as I understand it.


Unrealistic for Personal Injury Attorney to contact their 150+ clients once each week for a status update on their case. The clients are needy, call unexpectedly, and can disrupt an hour of working time.

This is the number one problem among case managers.


Status update delivered via text and/or push notifications through the Needles Checklist API.

Case Road Map

  1. Incident
  2. Treatment Phase
  3. Case Road Map
  4. Pre-demand Phase
  5. Evidence Gathered
  6. Demand Phase
  7. Demand Sent
  8. Negotiation Phase
  9. Offer
  10. Settlement Phase
  11. Case Closed

  • As a user, see progress reports of the claim status.
  • As a user, see how many pieces of total evidence are required.
  • As a user, see how many pieces of evidence that have been collected.
  • As a user, see how many pieces of evidence that are uncollected.

Treatment Phase

  • As a user, be a able to collect and post evidence
  • As a user, (maybe) post medical records (HIPAA reasons)
  • As a user, post medical bills
  • As a user, post incident report
  • As a user, post photographs of vehicle damage
  • As a user, post injury photos
  • As a user, send text/voice messages
  • As a user, request calls from paralegal, case manager, and/or attorney
  • As a user, get notified about an offer and expect/schedule a call

Calendar / Smart Scheduling

As an attorney, having clients who miss appointments result in lower damages, diminished case values, and lower fees.

  • As a user, have medical provider schedule appointments for me.
  • As a medical provider, potentially receive automated emails with a link to schedule appointments for user

Demand and Settlement Phase

As an attorney, it’s difficult—and can be time intensive—to get “written authority” from clients in regards to offers and settlements.

  • As a user, receive notifications of proposed demand amounts and settlement authorities.
  • As a user, preview demand letters.
  • As a user, able to approve demand letters.
  • As a user, receive a proposed breakdown of settlement amounts
  • As a user, approve a settlement by pressing a button
  • As a user, send a message to describe an issue with the settlement.


As a designer, I propose thinking of these notifications in the following priority:

  1. Text messages*
  2. Emails*
  3. Push notifications^

*Hyperlinks in messages that land on a website with the users’ information. Could also deep link to sections within a native mobile app. ^Links to a section in an app

Design Proposal

Option 01


Rapid prototype designed and developed over two days. Specific features and designs to be negotiated and finalized in the SOW.

  1. Day One
    Ideal if we could schedule an in-person working session in Athens on the first day for a few hours. Remainder of day will be used for design.

  2. Day Two
    Finalize design and interactive prototype for delivery by end of day. We can do one round of light revisions, if necessary, after this day.

Option 02


MDS will run a one-week design sprint with stakeholders to design for specific problems and challenges with the app. This would be more time intensive for everyone involved.

Sprint Days

  1. Monday — Start at the end and agree on the goal. Map the challenges. Ask the experts (all involved) and pick a target.
  2. Tuesday — Review existing ideas to remix and improve. Sketch and iterate with an emphasis on critical thinking. Begin planning Friday’s customer test by recruiting customers that fit your target profile.
  3. Wednesday — Critique each solution and decide on which one has the best chance of achieving the long-term goal. Take the winning sketches and turn them into a storyboard, a step by step plan for the prototype.
  4. Thursday – Create prototype—customer facing only. Also, make sure everything is ready for Friday’s test by confirming the schedule, reviewing the prototype, and writing and interview script.
  5. Friday – Interview and learn by watching customers react to the prototype. This test makes the entire sprint worthwhile: At the end of the day, you’ll know how far you have to go, and you’ll know just what to do next.

We could potentially test with existing plaintiffs or other lawyer colleagues as potential customers.

If you have any more questions about this, let me know!

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