
In 2024, my company was brought in solely to design and develop a website for a former client. I also hired subcontractors to assist with the build. This was the full extent of our involvement. We had zero participation in the products offered, products created, or any product-related business decisions.

While I was aware of past controversies, I saw no indication that this project was connected to any prior issues and was presented as a standard business initiative. I approached this project with the belief that my work could have a positive influence and that enough time had passed for meaningful change.

At the time of my engagement, there was no indication that this project would become anything more than what was presented. I had no involvement in business strategy, messaging, or direction, and I was not made aware of any agenda beyond the scope of my work.

I severed ties before the recent controversies emerged, and have had no affiliation with this brand since.

I unequivocally and completely denounce the hateful and extremist content associated with this brand. Had I known this outcome, I would have never agreed to the project.

I have removed prior mentions of this project to reflect my complete disassociation. I have no connection to this brand. I will never engage with them again.

Matt D. Smith
Owner, MDS