Using Mojave Dark Mode On Only the Menu Bar and Dock

Mojave Dark Mode™ left me a little underwhelmed. I really wanted to like the dark interface, but I just don't. Thanks to @st8rmi's tweet and this post, I found a better way.

Follow these steps

  1. System Preferences > General > Appearance: Light
  2. In Terminal, paste defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes and hit return
  3. Go to  > Log Out...
  4. Log back in
  5. System Preferences > General > Appearance: Dark
  6. Boom. Dark mode only on the menu bar and dock.

Bonus: Set your desktop background to #171717 to match the dark menu bar.

If you want to reverse this, I'm assuming you'd just change defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No, but honestly why would you wanna go back?