Phil's New Site

Phil Coffman just made a new personal website. It's got texture (what!? in 2019!? yes!!), cursive web fonts, and good 'ol fashion personal writing.

I know the struggle all too well, when it comes to personal sites. There are a million reasons why NOT to put your personal site up, but ultimately it's up to you to push it through. Well done, Phil.

Even writing a blog post (like this) at some point becomes a mental hurdle. Thanks to Phil for reminding me that I too have a personal site where I can freely write random personal thoughts without having to feel too overly-pressured to create the greatest long-form content of all-time.

It's a fresh reminder that personal blogs are like an expanded version of a tweet. It doesn't always need to serve a positive objective purpose. It can be total cathartic rambling, or not that at all.

Buuuuuuut.... the interface designer in me can't write a post without a clear call-to-action, so...

Visit Phil's new site here