
I got the news today that one of my best friend's dad just passed away. After a year of battling cancer, it ultimately spread and took over. Suddenly everything I'm doing seems trite and unimportant.

Shortly after I graduated high school, another best friend of mine lost his mom to ovarian cancer. My wife's mom has had and recovered from cervical cancer. A good friend from my church is currently battling lung cancer. He's never smoked in his life.

My stepmother's sister is currently battling ovarian cancer. Another couple that my wife and I are good friends with, have a young son who recently went through a long and arduous bout with leukemia, which thankfully ended with a bone marrow transplant and full remission. Praise God. He's friends with my oldest son.

My wife lost her grandfather to cancer a few years ago. Her best friend's dad died of cancer a year or two before that.

As I pause and reflect on all of this, I mean really let it sink in, my core is rattled. Death is very real. Whether it's cancer or not, death happens.

I reflect often on the way I choose to spend my time, the projects I choose to work on, and how I live my life. Days like today amplify those thoughts. Life is not to be taken for granted.

Ben, I'm so sorry for you loss. I love you.